
The site 2018
The site is the urban context of the historic hill town of Recanati located in the Marche region.
The Mission:
1. To make a contextual analysis, using landscape analysis tools, to interpret and represent ecological, historical and social processes that shape the site, and how such forces interact and are manifest.
2. To conceive a design on a chosen location of the site which expresses the potential of the site, understood from the exercise of site-analysis.

Wencan Li
A proposal that wants to connect phisically and visually the two the two sides of the ridge where Recanati is located.

Sara Williams
​Light and Dark Interventions: Low Light – No Light : Temporary Full to New Moon Event Master Plan.

Linglin Xu
A proposal that restores connections and transforms a parking lot in a new public space

The site 2017
The overall size of the property that includes Casa Wallace and Casa Margherita in Cremolino is 26 hectares including vineyards and a large Walnut forest.
The Mission:
1. To make a contextual analysis, using landscape analysis tools, to interpret and represent ecological, historical and social processes that shape the site, and how such forces interact and are manifest.
2. To conceive a design on a chosen location of the site which expresses the potential of the site, understood from the exercise of site-analysis.
3. To construct temporary works on a chosen location of the site (see 'Guerrilla actions' section).

Bin Chen
A space built to enhance the beauty of the natural and historical elements.
The path between the two casas in this place will cross a building constructed to establish a relationship with the stone tower.
Outside and inside spaces become a kind of museum of the Monferrato countryside as tribute of its beauty.

Lee Sun Jung
A resting place along the path that connects Casa Wallace and Casa Margherita. A camp fire located between the old stone tower and the mysterious wood becomes a gathering place where to enjoy the beauty of the fire under the stars during the night or where to have a 'wild' lunch in daytime.
A station that encourages the 'walker' to stop and to 'use' the beautiful land.

Kevin Daniel Luna
A number of concepts that want to establish a dialogue between land and its user.
Inspirations that rise from the need of understand the site, its nature, its history and its uses ...

Evan Maynard
In reflection of the values instilled on Casa Wallace of biodynamics and sustainability, the emphasis of natural processes are just as sacred as their focus. This 'Trail of Discovery' holds many indigenous landmarks and viewpoints, unrestricted by formal movement yet encouraged by the consistent path and spontaneous yearning for more. To highlight the innate elements of Earth, Fire, Wind, and Water, the materials found in this particular environment are to be true to their terrestrial fabrications. We are allowed to transcend the constructed world of man and delve back to our primal roots.

Lingfei Qian
Different kind of tents placed in different locations explore how the site can be colonized. Temporary structures suggest visitors how to live different experiences along the path between the two main 'casas'.
A tent for collective events, a tents village for families and a tent for hermitage, for those who want to be alone with nature.

Mandi Roberts
The project proposes an enhanced “viottolo di natura” between Casa Wallace and Casa Margherita, with wayfinding and interpretation at key points along the journey. This nature trail will provide many opportunities to bring guests in touch with nature, art, culture, and history of the region.
To further enhance the journey, the plan identifies key opportunities for placemaking including a major art space placed half way between the two casas, as well as improvements to enhance the visibility and understanding of the stone house ruin at the top of the hill.

Steward Cilvin
Being lost is a type of journey itself. When we are lost, no matter where we are or how lost we are, we are never alone. It isn't until we find our way, that we learn that we are never truly alone or isolated.
The forest on this site is a perfect place to take this journey. Along the path there is proof of human existence that lets us know that we are not the first humans to inhabit this space.

Siwen Wang
A viewing deck where to take a rest but at the same time a place where the users can 'get lost' crossing door placed horizontally ... What is behind the doors ? Maybe a secret intimate space ...

Katherine Woodhouse
•This project is inspired by the idea of looking for and discovering a “treasure”. By searching, humans are able to open their senses and better connect to their surrounding environment. In order to understand the ecology of this area as well as the historic identity of the site, a series of environmental art installations are created throughout the site. These cause visitors to search for each artwork, and to focus on sites of historical significance. By inviting local artists and community members to build these installations, people can experience the sacred practice of creating from nature. They will also provide a meaningful experience to future visitors of the park.

Shuai Zhao
Midway Views is a viewing deck with sculpture. It is a good spot to observe vines, buildings, and the historic ruin nearby. With the Nest and Forest Enclosure, this area will become a network-space that gathers people at midway of Casa Wallace and Case Margareta. This intervention allows people to access easily each place around the site, it makes people pay more attention to the natural landscape, wine culture, and historic characteristic of these two Casas and surrounding areas, and encourages them to spent more time in the landscape